This graph shows the stats of social media in China from Jan 2024 - Jan 2025. Twitter has 90.46%, Facebook has 1.46% and Sina Weibo has 1.32%.
This graph shows the stats of social media in Chile from Jan 2024 - Jan 2025. Facebook has 39.58%, Instagram has 41.26% and Pinterest has 10.13%.
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Also, 47 percent of respondents stated that they used Pinterest to find or shop for products, a rate that no other social platform was able to match in that regard. Social media activities on select social networks by social media users in the United States in February 2019 ...
Reddit is the second fastest-growing social media platform, with an impressive 14.4% year-over-year growth rate. Like TikTok, 2020 was an especially good year for Reddit, when its user base grew by 25.9%. Social media user growth rate by platform (YOY): ...
Bluesky, a decentralized social media platform, has introduced trending topics to enhance user engagement. This feature enables users to discover and participate in popular discussions, similar to functionalities on other platforms. Bluesky's also announced that its user base has grown to over 25 m...
Social Media Giving Statistics For NonprofitsWant to know what platform you should be leveraging to maximize your impact? We’ve put together a list of the most up-to-date stats on how nonprofits are using social media to make a difference....
93% of internet usersuse SOCIAL media sites regularly. At least they have accounts on any Social Platform. Over75%of the world’s population aged13+use social media. You can get more details about Pinterest users, WhatsApp users, and Twitter users. ...
The cost of paid advertisements on social media platforms can vary widely depending on several factors, including the social media platform, type of ad, target audience, and bidding strategy. Advertisers can be charged based on the campaign objective too, from impressions (CPMs, or costs per thou...
Facebook is the most used social media platform in the world in terms of monthly active users (MAUs). Over 3 billion people log into the platform each month, according to Statista data for April 2024. Want to know which platforms are most popular among your audience? Enter your location an...