Looking to make the best use of social media for your business? Learn the best tips and tools to use social media for business.
Editorial Guidelines. Social media platforms for businesses Social media is a daily meeting place for billions of people. So, if your business doesn’t have a social media presence, you’re missing out on some serious face time with potential customers. Thanks to its digital-gathering reputation...
For businesses, social media presents vast opportunities to promote their product or service. Just as popular social media sites allow users to connect with friends and family in faraway places, they also are powerful ways for marketers to create two-way conversations with potential customers. Users...
Looking to make the best use of social media for your business? Learn the best tips and tools to use social media for business.
Social media marketing is popular with all types of businesses—over 96% of small businesses and 97% of Fortune 500 companies use social media channels as part of their marketing strategies. Here’s an overview of the benefits and a few relevant drawbacks for small ecommerce businesses: Benefits...
Women’s entrepreneurship and social media Women who have historically been discouraged from working outside the home or building independent businesses are finding success with businesses that depend on online tools like social media. In Indonesia, for example, where almost half of the small and me...
If your business’s current digital marketing strategy doesn’t include social media, correct this as soon as possible. There really is no other way to create a community for your business where most of your audience spends time online. ...
Most small businesses are now using social media to grow profits. But, others are struggling to navigate the jungle and are making mistakes along the way. In this post, we’ll guide you through the ins and outs of social media marketing for small businesses. Whether you’restarting a blogto...
Who are your friends? (Other brands or people you support, neighborhood businesses, etc.) Make your brand’s persona part of your branding guidelines, and let your unique personality shine in your posts. Tim Urch, social media manager atHuel, a company that delivers nutritionally complete food...
Businesses are using social media in unique ways to learn more about their customers and increase profits. Here are the top eight social trends businesses of all sizes need to know about.