Loneliness and social isolation (SI) are well-established as factors contributing to the development of a range of chronic health conditions including dementia, cardiovascular diseases and depression [1,2]. Articles have found that the health implications of loneliness and SI are comparable to well-a...
Critique: He argues that this pursuit is unattainable because no human agency or government can control the "cosmos" (all the external factors affecting individuals' lives).批评:他认为这种追求是无法实现的,因为任何人类机构或政府都无法控制“宇宙”(影响个人生活的所有外部因素)。Example: Family birth or...
Overall, results are consistent with the idea that contextual factors may indeed shape trait impressions from faces, and fluctuations can be observed in response to cues that signal behaviors (i.e., wearing the face mask) that are appraised as either normative or not (or, at least, less norm...
This study, therefore, provides further evidence that, in the context of new technology adoptions, the choice is not only driven by explanatory variables that can be generally observed but may well be affected by social factors facilitating the exchange of information and the understanding of the ...
Green packaging, carbon footprint, and biodiversity conservation will be key factors in our product performance enhancements. Management measures Based on the full product life cycle analysis and in accordance with the Cradle to Cradle certification, the Principles of Green Chemistry, and other leading...
Social psychology, as a subfield of psychology, is primarily concerned with investigating the cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes of individuals as they are influenced by factors such as group membership, social interactions, and social context. It encompasses an extensive range of topics, ...
While strength is but one determinant of identity salience, other factors may influence whether and to what extent a specific social identity is salient in a given situation. In the policy process, this especially concerns the arenas of policy-making within which actors find themselves and the pol...
It is also possible that some factors other than obedience, such as anxiety, influenced behaviors of animals during the test. To examine this issue, locomotion of test subjects (n = 8) were measured for 5 minutes without food reward presentation when they were placed in the open field...
However, the technology-based factors of AI that affect trust are unique and usually more challenging than other technologies, even compared to rule-based automation. That is because, in AI, the system can make new decisions based on training data. Therefore, parameters such as accuracy, ...
Birch, H. G. The role of motivational factors in insightful problem-solving.J. Comp. Psychol.38, 295 (1945). ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Pendergraft, L. J. T., Lehnert, A. L. & Marzluff, J. M. Individual and social factors affecting the ability of American crows to solve and mast...