根据第二段“To understand the links between social-emotional learning (SEL) and academic outcomes, the study analyzed student screening assessments for social-emotional skills and reading and math performance of nearly 4,000 K-8 students in the 2021-22 school year.(为了了解社会情感学习(SEL)与...
academicneedsofstudents.However,reliableandvalidassessmenttoolsarenecessarytoconductneeds assessmentsandmonitorthesuccessofSELprogramsovertime. Thepurposeofthecurrentreviewistoidentifyvalid,reliable,anduseableschool-wideassessmentsfor social/emotionalwell-beingofyouthandtohelpschoolsanddistrictsidentifytoolsthatcouldbeusefu...
Robust evidence links students' positive mental health with academic achievement and provides a compelling rationale for developing and refining strength-based assessments. The Social Emotional Health Survey鈥揝econdary (SEHS-S) assesses adolescents' social and emotional skills and positive psychological ...
Skip to main content Despite constant access to the technology that’s supposed to connect us, many individuals feel isolated and abandoned. Over time, these feelings can have a significant negative impact on their health. These personality, mental health, and social-emotional assessments identify ...
This book provides a comprehensive foundation for conducting clinical assessments of child and adolescent social-emotional behavior in a practical, scientific, and culturally appropriate manner. It is aimed at graduate students, practitioners, and researchers in the fields of school psychology, child clini...
With our recommended assessments and programs quickly understand student well-being, social, and emotional needs.
根据第二段“To understand the links between social-emotional learning (SEL) and academic outcomes, the study analyzed student screening assessments for social-emotional skills and reading and math performance of nearly 4,000 K-8 students in the 2021-22 school year.(为了了解社会情感学习(SEL)与...
Imagine a high school that wants to support the social and emotional development of its students. Leaders decide to implement the SSIS, a comprehensive program to assess and improve students’ social skills. This is how the process could go: ...
Committee for Children's mission is to ensure that children everywhere can thrive. Our social-emotional learning programs help millions of children succeed.