Skip to main content Despite constant access to the technology that’s supposed to connect us, many individuals feel isolated and abandoned. Over time, these feelings can have a significant negative impact on their health. These personality, mental health, and social-emotional assessments identify ...
The social and emotional well-being of students and staff is fundamental to school success. You have the power to create a positive, supportive environment that values meaningful, effective social-emotional learning. When you partner with one of our experts you and your staff will learn how to ...
Social–Emotional Learning Families face significant challenges today. The distress of the pandemic has impacted the emotional and mental health of so many, including our children. We have a wide range of resources and assessments that can support you and our young people through this unprecedented ...
ChildrenwithstrongSocial-EmotionalLearning(SEL)skillshavebeenshowntoexcelinschool, bothsociallyandacademically.SELprogramsareimperativetoaddressthesocial,emotional,and academicneedsofstudents.However,reliableandvalidassessmenttoolsarenecessarytoconductneeds assessmentsandmonitorthesuccessofSELprogramsovertime. ...
With our recommended assessments and programs quickly understand student well-being, social, and emotional needs.
Social–Emotional Assets and Resiliency Scales (SEARS) (Merrell, 2011). Variable Strength-based social–emotional assessments for children and adolescents have been developed as a set of cross-informant measures in order to incorporate perspectives of the student, teacher, and parent(s) (Merrell, 20...
Usability of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessments in Schools: A Systematic Review From 2009 to 2019Kristy L. BrannBrian DanielsSandra M. ChafouleasCourtney A. DiOrio
Committee for Children's mission is to ensure that children everywhere can thrive. Our social-emotional learning programs help millions of children succeed.
SSIS™ Social-Emotional Learning Edition (SSIS SEL) is a comprehensive, evidence-based, social-emotional learning system that assesses key academic skills and integrates the different components with an aligned, multi-tiered intervention. Product family includes Brief Plus Ment...