"A social distance scale." Sociology & Social Research 17 (1933): 265-271. Print.Bogardus, E.S.: A social distance scale. Sociology & Social Research (1933)Lee, M. Y., Sapp, S. G., Ray, M. C. (1996) The reverse social distance scale. The Journal of Social Psychology 136: pp...
网络社会距离层级 网络释义 1. 社会距离层级 4 、社会距离层级(socialdistancescale) 社会距离层级又称水平距离层级。这一层级是在 布朗等人的面子行为理论的基础上提 … www.docin.com|基于 1 个网页
...2/04/21 00:11):社会距离量表:也称为鲍格达斯量表(BogardusSocialDistanceScale),是由美国社会心理学家鲍格达斯于19…yamol.tw|基于4个网页 2. 爲鲍格达斯量表 ...12/04/21 00:11):社会距离量表:也称爲鲍格达斯量表(BogardusSocialDistanceScale),是由美国社会心理学家鲍格达斯于1…yamol.tw|基于1...
The Bogardussocial distance scaleis a psychological testing scale created by Emory S. Bogardus to empirically measure people's willingness to participate in social contacts of varying degrees of closeness with members of diverse social groups, such as racial and ethnic groups. ...
A Social Distance Scale In constructing this social distance scale, 60 single sentence descriptions heard in ordinary conversations and representing different types of social relationship were rated according to the amount of social distance each possessed. By ... ES Bogardus - 《Sociology & Social ...
A "reverse" Social Distance Scale was created by modifying Bogardus's Social Distance Scale, to measure minority groups' perceptions of the social distance established by the majority group between itself and minority groups. The Reverse Social Distance Scale (Guttman's coefficient of reproducibility ...
Social distance can be expressed as a series of questions constituting a rating scale. For example the acceptedsocial distancebetween people can vary, even at the level of physical contact in everyday greetings. There is also an exaggerated demarcation ofsocial distancebetween ranks, and deferential...
被盗的账号相比于黑产自己注册的账号来讲行为的噪音更大(被盗号账户,过去的行为都很正常,并没有大规模的异常邮件行为),通过degree或者pagerank很难识别到,为了解决这个问题,作者从社交关系的角度出发,定义了两个 social affinity feature(社会亲和力特征):Recipient connectivity(收件人连通性 )和 Social distance(社交距...
鲍格达斯社会距离量表(Bogardus Social Distance Scale)又称社会距离量表、鲍格达斯量表。鲍格达斯社会距离量表产生于2…www.chuanboxue.org|基于7个网页 3. 鲍氏社会距离量表 2、鲍氏社会距离量表(Bogardus social distance scale)。 假设我们要了解与黑人交往意愿,我们可能询问如下问题: (1) …zhidao.baidu.com|基...
Methods: We recruited 124 subjects and completed the social distance scale and the schizophrenia stereotype questionnaire. 方法:124名成人受邀參与本研究,并且完成社会距離以及刻版印象问卷。 www.teps.com.cn 8. The analysis shows that the more size of network, the less social distance. 数据分析证...