理论分享:社会比较理论( social comparison theory) 社会比较理论的核心前提是,人们不断使用有关他人观点和能力的信息来评估自己的观点和能力(Festinger1954)。该理论认为,人们之所以进行社会比较,是因为他们需要通过和他人比较维持稳定和准确的自我评价,以及维护自尊和自我价值( Aspinwall& Taylor199 yszczynski, Greenberg...
一般来说,可分为三种:平行比较(similarity comparison)、上行比较(upward comparison)和下行比较(downward comparison)[4]。上行比较是指个体以优秀的人作为比较对象,让自己与他们对比; 平行比较是将水平与自己相近的人作为比较对象; 而下行比较则是以那些不如自己的人作为比较的对象,将自己与他们展开对比。大量的研究...
1. 在社交互动中,社会比较理论为我们提供了理解人们如何通过与他人比较来评估自我价值和自尊的视角。2. 社会比较理论揭示了人们在不同情境、对象和内容中进行比较,以塑造自我认知和满意度的倾向。3. 该理论将比较划分为三个主要领域:客观标准、类似个体和不类似个体。4. 在不确定和压力环境中,人们会...
Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff People constantly evaluate themselves, and others, in domains likeattractiveness, wealth,intelligence, and success. According to some studies, as much as 10 percent of our thoughts involve comparisons of some kind. Social comparison theory is the idea that individuals...
模型/理论: Social Comparison Theory(社会比较理论) 说明: 社会比较理论提出,人们通过与他人比较来评估自己,尤其是在不确定的情境中。通过这种比较,人们可以更好地了解自己在能力、态度和行为方面的表现,从…
社会比较理论(Social comparison theory) 社会比较理论简介 社会比较理论是美国社会心理学家利昂·费斯汀格(Leon Festinger)在1954年提出来的构思,是每个个体在缺乏客观的情况下,利用他人作为比较的尺度,来进行自我评价。 费斯汀格指出,在向上的社会比较中,跟那些更社会化的人比较;在向下的社会比较中,作逆向比较。社会比较...
The ECPH Encyclopedia of Psychology Lu Haidong 128 Accesses It is a theory in which individuals conduct self-evaluation by comparing themselves to others in the absence of objective evaluation criteria. It is the classical social comparison theory put forward by American psychologist Leon Festinger ...
Social comparison theory has been applied within the study of media psychology, addressing topics such as selective exposure and media effects. Examples within media effects research include media exposure and body image, media use and materialism, and social media use and well‐being....
Festinger's (1954) social comparison theory (SCT) is traced from its publication to its celebration at the American Psychological Association convention in 1984. Possible explanations for the fact that SCT received little attention after its original publication include Festinger's turning to cognitive ...