Draw the Lewis structure and determine the resonance exhibit for SO_3? Write the Lewis formula for each of the following molecules or ions. Which ones contain at least one atom with a share in less than an octet of valence electrons? (a) CH_2Cl_2 (b) BF_3 (c) BCl_4^- (d) AlF...
Draw all of the Lewis structures of SeO3 that obey the octet rule and use this Lewis structure or these resonance structures to predict how many covalent bonds connect each oxygen atom in the real structure to the central Se atom. Assu...
For NO-, draw the Lewis structure, predict the shape, and determine if the molecule is polar or nonpolar. For SF3+, draw the Lewis structure, predict the shape, and determine if the molecule is polar or nonpolar. Draw the Lewis structure for NCl3. Pred...
1. There are three Lewis structures for the nitrate polyatomic ion. Draw the three Lewis structures below. These structures are resonance structures that represent a single nitrate ion. Do you think each resonance structure contributes equally to the nitr D...