答:非N卡跑不了的。 报错:torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory 答:爆显存了,试着把batch_size改小,改到1还爆的话建议云端训练。 报错:RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid(s) xxxx) exited unexpectedly 答:把虚拟内存再调大一点。 报错:NotImplementedError: Only 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D padding ...
CUDA out of memory OutOfMemoryError:CUDA out of memory这种就是最常见的,俗称炸显存或者爆显存,一般是你batch_size太大了,改小就能解决,还不行就再改小,直到行了为止(如果是之前开始训练正常,重新开始训练出问题,可能你之前根本没关闭训练,后台依然在占用性能,解决方案参考下面三板斧第一板斧)。 如果是其他报...
OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory.Tried to allocate XX GiB (GPU O: XX GiB total capacity; XX GiB already allocated; XX MiB Free: XX GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)不要怀疑,你的显卡显存或虚拟内存不够用了。以下是 100%解决问题的解决方法,照着做必能解决。请不要再在各种地方提问这个...
Too long may lead to torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError during training or even pre-processing. By using audio-slicer-GUI or audio-slicer-CLI In general, only the Minimum Interval needs to be adjusted. For statement audio it usually remains default. For singing audio it can be adjusted to 100 or...
Cutting the audio to a length of "5s - 15s" is more recommended. Slightly longer times are acceptable, however, excessively long clips may cause problems such as torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError. To facilitate the slicing process, you can use audio-slicer-GUI or audio-slicer-CLI In general, ...
#batch_size=hps.train.batch_size, collate_fn=collate_fn) batch_size配置小会导致训练速度很慢 7.4、推理时报错:OutOfMemoryError 解决办法:在界面上设置自动切片,如20s(记得把交叉淡入时间也设置一下) 参考 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/635429751 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/630115251...
Too long may lead to torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError during training or even pre-processing. By using audio-slicer-GUI or audio-slicer-CLI In general, only the Minimum Interval needs to be adjusted. For statement audio it usually remains default. For singing audio it can be adjusted to 100 or...
Slice to5s - 15s, a bit longer is no problem. Too long may lead totorch.cuda.OutOfMemoryErrorduring training or even pre-processing. By usingaudio-slicer-GUIoraudio-slicer-CLI In general, only theMinimum Intervalneeds to be adjusted. For statement audio it usually remains default. For sing...
报错:torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory 答:爆显存了,试着把batch_size改小,改到1还爆的话建议云端训练。 报错:RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid(s) xxxx) exited unexpectedly 答:把虚拟内存再调大一点。 报错:NotImplementedError: Only 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D padding with non-constant padd...