报错:CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED when calling 'cublasCreate(handle)' 答:爆显存了,基本上跟CUDA有关的报错大都是爆显存…… 报错:torch.multiprocessing.spawn.ProcessExitedException: process 0 terminated with exit code 3221225477 答:调大虚拟内存,管理员运行脚本 报错:'HParams' object has no...
OutOfMemoryError:CUDA out of memory这种就是最常见的,俗称炸显存或者爆显存,一般是你batch_size太大了,改小就能解决,还不行就再改小,直到行了为止(如果是之前开始训练正常,重新开始训练出问题,可能你之前根本没关闭训练,后台依然在占用性能,解决方案参考下面三板斧第一板斧)。 如果是其他报错,一样,先到底下找E...
普通模型:so-vits-svc/logs/44k/G_xxx.pth 扩散模型:so-vits-svc/logs/44k/diffusion/model_xxx.th 导入配置文件: 普通模型训练配置:so-vits-svc/configs/config.json 扩散模型训练配置:so-vits-svc/logs/44k/diffusion/config.yml 点击右侧的加载模型,如果成功加载,可以得到音色名称 6.4、导入声音并替换 将刚...
1.1 so-vits-svc4.1 源码使用git 拉取源码。通过以下命令:git clone https://github.com/svc-develop-team/so-vits-svc.git1.2 Cuda更新Nvidia显卡驱动至最新 在cmd 控制台里输入 nvidia-smi.exe 以查看显卡驱动版本和对应的 cuda 版本 前往NVIDIA-CUDA 官网下载与系统对应的Cuda 版本 以Cuda-11.7 版本为例,...
torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 20.00 MiB (GPU 0; 8.00 GiB total capacity; 6.86 GiB already allocated; 0 bytes free; 7.25 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation....
Cutting the audio to a length of "5s - 15s" is more recommended. Slightly longer times are acceptable, however, excessively long clips may cause problems such as torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError.To facilitate the slicing process, you can use audio-slicer-GUI or audio-slicer-CLI...
OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate XX GiB (GPU 0: XX GiB total capacity; XX GiB already allocated; XX MiB Free; XX GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)Don't doubt it, your GPU memory or virtual memory is insufficient. The following steps provide a 100% solution to...
随后,克隆so-vits项目,并且安装项目的依赖: importosimportglob!gitclonehttps://github.com/effusiveperiscope/so-vits-svc-beff-4.0os.chdir('/content/so-vits-svc')# install requirements one-at-a-time to ignore exceptions!catrequirements.txt|xargs-n1pipinstall--extra-index-urlhttps://download.pytorch...