Hello all, I have used SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 to send a PDF attachment. It is sent successfully but when i try to open the PDF attachment, it says 'There is an
call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1' exporting document_data = docdata put_in_outbox = 'X' commit_work = 'X' tables packing_list= objpack object_header = objhead contents_bin= objbin contents_txt= objtxt receivers = reclist. if sy-subrc 0. message id 'SO' ...
Solved: hi everybody im using fm SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 to send mail, i have 2 receivers, the mail is being sent properly but the sender is getting the mails twice in
Hi, we use the FM SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 to send a report as txt attachment. The problem is that the attachment in the email contains only the first character of
es_zcrms_message-type =gc_e. es_zcrms_message-message = text-002."'Message sent failure!'.ENDIF.ENDFUNCTION. SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1可以指定发件人,SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1不可以。 SENDER_ADDRESS = XXXX@XXX.COM SENDER_ADDRESS_TYPE = INT...
EXCEPTIONS 里能看到的是SAP 层面能检测到的错误(理论上:EXCEPTIONS 中的 document_not_sent 能检测邮件是否发送成功,但有时候也不奏效)因邮件有没有真正发送成功,还要取决于所对应的邮件服务器及当时的网络环境
Hi, I am using function module SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 to send mail with excel attachment.But i am getting error 6 when i pass karthi@company.com as sender address. But at
i_objpack-doc_size = v_lines_bin *255.***&step6.Send emailCALLFUNCTION'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1'EXPORTINGdocument_data=v_docchgi put_in_outbox='X'commit_work='X'TABLESpacking_list=i_objpack object_header=v_objhead contents_bin=i_objbin contents...
如何实现Sendable类型和JSON数据的转换 如何处理大整数 如何通过判断函数入参类型实现不同代码逻辑 如何使用工具库对JSON进行解析与生成 A持有B,B引用A的场景会不会导致内存泄漏 如何通过key获取对象值 ModuleManager模块加载流程是什么样的? 如何查看编译的详细过程 如何遍历JSON对象 如何判断对象的类型 ...
UserConfirmationPasswordSendOptionalParams UserContract UserContractProperties UserCreateOrUpdateHeaders UserCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams UserCreateOrUpdateResponse UserCreateParameterProperties UserCreateParameters UserDeleteOptionalParams UserEntityBaseParameters UserGenerateSsoUrlOptionalParams UserGenerateSsoUrlResponse User...