Hello all, I have used SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 to send a PDF attachment. It is sent successfully but when i try to open the PDF attachment, it says 'There is an
call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1' exporting document_data = docdata put_in_outbox = 'X' commit_work = 'X' tables packing_list= objpack object_header = objhead contents_bin= objbin contents_txt= objtxt receivers = reclist. if sy-subrc 0. message id 'SO' ...
Hi, we use the FM SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 to send a report as txt attachment. The problem is that the attachment in the email contains only the first character of
EXCEPTIONS 里能看到的是SAP 层面能检测到的错误(理论上:EXCEPTIONS 中的 document_not_sent 能检测邮件是否发送成功,但有时候也不奏效)因邮件有没有真正发送成功,还要取决于所对应的邮件服务器及当时的网络环境
i_objpack-body_start = v_lines_bin_all - v_lines_bin +1. i_objpack-body_num =v_lines_bin. i_objpack-doc_type ='XLSX'. i_objpack-obj_name ='text'. i_objpack-doc_size = v_lines_bin *255.***&step6.Send emailCALLFUNCTION'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1'EXPORTINGdocument_data...
Solved: Hi, I'm using FM SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 and is working fine, but I need a help how can I put record on next line in excel format, eg: output: must be:
es_zcrms_message-type =gc_e. es_zcrms_message-message = text-002."'Message sent failure!'.ENDIF.ENDFUNCTION. SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1可以指定发件人,SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1不可以。 SENDER_ADDRESS = XXXX@XXX.COM SENDER_ADDRESS_TYPE = INT...
Hi, I am using function module SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 to send mail with excel attachment.But i am getting error 6 when i pass karthi@company.com as sender address. But at
2015.08 [fortinet] The Curious Case Of The Document Exploiting An Unknown Vulnerability – Part 2: RATs, Hackers and Rihanna 2015.08 [duo] You Built a Better Mousetrap? They Built Better RATs 2015.08 [alienvault] FF-RAT Uses Stealth Tactics to Evade Endpoint Detection 2015.08 [freebuf] 全程回放...
Chaos is an API by Project Discovery that discovers subdomains. Here we are querying thier API for all known subdoains of "att.com". We are then using httpx to find which of those domains is live and hosts an HTTP or HTTPs site. We then pass those URLs to GoSpider to visit them ...