Funny how he doesn’t have to shut up according to them and they were even plugging his Colbert appearance but Hillary needs to “shut up.” 262 JordanRules Sep 8, 2017 • 9:40:59amreplyquote down 6 up report re: #261 HappyWarrior And her primary with Obama was actually still ...
@coffeescotch どうもありがとうございます😊 So when you say that to someone today, you imply he or she is out-dated,deserved to be kicked back to the feudal world?But in 時代劇, 「貴様」still means (master, your majesty), right?@...
Auf diesem animierten GIF: i wanted to cry when i make this, the moment when you know hes so in love with jenny von Spellbringer. Lade die GIF and you start crying too, mein baby, not, tom hanks, herunter oder teile die Animation the moment when you know hes so in love with jenn...
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