I have several houseguests arriving for a fun filled weekend today! Editors Note : As always, ignore my own blatant grammatical errors whilst I make fun of others poor grammar during Coffee Talk on a weekly basis. #HYPOCRITE #SORRYIMNOTSORRY I write these posts late at night while simultaneo...
this gif required no googling so it stays. so he doesn’t have enough ballsto break up with Ashley I 97 times when he clearly has ZERO interest in her; quit acting like he is going to sleep with her and “take her viriginity”. THIS SHOW IS SO STUPID WHY DO I WASTE MY TIME? so...
Now, however, I am really loving my smoothies and if I am craving my usual yogurt and granola I have it after my workout or as an afternoon snack instead. I think the smoothies have been a huge help in cutting a few pounds the last two weeks. We got a NutriBullet and I really lov...
the fun fat kid news :: we’ve had pizza almost every night for dinner because we have packed everything and aren’t going grocery shopping the horrible pull my hair out news :: we’re moving. and moving sucks. my mom nance pants came up to help pack us this week and has been a ...
I feel like next week I should just do a Coffee Talk of Will & Grace gif’s….. I feel like I should cancel work and just have a party or something!? Who wants to come over!? :: REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DALLAS :: I really want to hear a full speech from LeeAnne, just to hear wh...
We have a low-key weekend at home planned, getting everything organized and unpacking boxes! I’ll be back full time next week! Hope you have a great weekend! image EDITORS NOTE : as always, ignore my own blatant grammatical errors whilst Imake fun of others poor grammar during coffee tal...