SNU-16cell line stably expressing CRISPR Cas9nuclease Description:This product is a cell line stably expressing the CRISPR Cas9nuclease.This cell line also expresses the hygromycin resistance gene.In combination with separately transfected or transduced single guide RNAs (sgRNAs),this cell line will ...
SNU-16 是来源于人胃癌细胞系,在 M-NSG 小鼠皮下接种后,能正常成瘤。 品系状态 成瘤性验证完成 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: SNU-16 cell line (Cat. NO. NM-W05) was purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. 验证数据 Figure 2. Tumor growth curve of SNU-16 xenograft model in ...
Murine Leydig Tumor Cell line-1Cells;细胞背景资料:睾丸间质瘤;细胞传代方法:1:2-1:3传代;每周换液2-3次。;细胞生长特性:贴壁;细胞形态特性:详见细胞说明书;相关细胞有:GH3Cells、DrGCells、Hs 819.T细胞 Nthy-ori 3-1Cells;细胞背景资料:甲状腺;SV40转化;女性;细胞传代方法:1:2-1:3传代;每周换液2-3...
Human Cell line 1D3人类粒细胞系 OKT 11杂交瘤细胞抗 HUVEC人脐静脉血管内皮细胞 CEM-C7人外周血急性淋巴细胞白血病 MH7A类风湿关节炎滑膜成纤维细胞 PC14/B肺癌细胞株 H226br肺癌细胞 N9小鼠小胶质细胞 HVSMC人血管平滑肌细胞 bEnd.3小鼠脑微血管内皮细胞 capan-1胰腺癌细胞 BJ 人皮肤成纤维细胞 c2c12...
SNU-16(CRISPRi) cell line基因编辑细胞株-BioVector NTCC典型培养物保藏中心Name:SNU-16(CRISPRi)中文名称:人胃癌细胞株Organism种属:人Tissue组织来源:胃Cell,Type细胞类型:上皮Morphology形态:Culture,Properties培养特性:Disease疾病:胃癌Biosafety,Level生物安全级
Homo sapiens (Human)stomach; derived from metastatic site: ascitesepithelialsuspension, multicell aggregates 本细胞株详细信息如下: General Information Cell Line NameSNU-16 (Human Gastric Cancer Cells) SynonymsSNU16; NCI-SNU-16 OrganismHomo sapiens (Human) ...
Cell Type- Morphologyepithelial Diseasegastric carcinoma Strain- Biosafety Level*1 Age at Sampling33 years Genderfemale Genetics- EthnicityAsian Applications3D cell culture;Cancer research CategoryCancer cell line * Biosafety classification is based onU.S. Public Health Service Guidelines,it is the responsi...
人肝癌细胞Homo Spaniens cell line Hep B1.2 人肝癌细胞SMMC-7721 人涎腺腺样囊性癌细胞ACC-3 人肝癌细胞BEL-7404 人肝癌细胞BEL-7405 人结直肠腺癌细胞Caco-2 人食管癌细胞Eca-109 人盲肠腺癌细胞(未分化)Hce-8693 人胃癌细胞MGC-803 人结直肠腺癌细胞SW480 人食管癌细胞TE-1 人食管癌细...
NCI-Navy Medical Oncology Branch Cell Line Supplement. J. Cell. Biochem. suppl. 24: 1996. ATCC CRL-5974(SNU-16)细胞接受后处理 1) 收到细胞后,请检查是否漏液 ,如果漏液,请拍照片发给我们。 2) 请先在显微镜下确认细胞生长 状态,去掉封口膜并将T25瓶置于37℃培养约2-3h。 3) 弃去T25瓶中的培...
Furthermore, TNF-α-induced apoptosis in the SNU-16 cell line showed increased expression of p53 and Bax protein levels following TNF-α treatment. Therefore, we suggest that TNF-α-induced apoptosis, which is cytotoxic to tumor cells, is coupled with a p53 and Bax apoptotic pathway.In-Chul...