If you get the following error, double check your vcf is formatted to have GT:DP:Other_stuff in the FORMAT column (instead of GT:AD:DP, for example). Error in matrix(unlist(value, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE), nrow = nr, : length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array...
name of the gene, or in the case of noncoding elements it is simply 'chr:start-stop'. This is used to calculate the expected mutability for a given region. If a region id is not provided, the script will look for 'gene' column and if not found, a region_id column will be ...
aThe column contains analyte-specific or group-specific affinity ligand. The analyte recognizes and binds to the ligand in a very specific manner. Another type of HPLC is called denaturing HPLC (DHPLC), which is used in determining single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the most common type of...
18] and average side-chain accessibility [44] of these peptide epitopes. Table6presents average conservation (Table6: column 5), accessibility (column 6), epitope conformational stability (column 7) and binding affinity for the PBG of MHCs (column 8 through ...
The KS test comparing the distribution of p-values with the Uniform distribution is a test whether the null distribution is accurate, which is a stronger condition than maintaining a nominal size of test. WTT follows the correct null distribution (results not shown). Thus, we found that the ...