Found 12,612 Indels. These won't be checked for duplicates based on base-pair position as there can be multiples. WARNING If your sumstat doesn't contain Indels, set the indel param to FALSE & rerun MungeSumstats::format_sumstats() Checking for duplicated rows. INFO column not available....
Annotation TSVs must not be gzipped. This option adds information in each TSV column to the INFO field of vcf. (default: None) --ensembl ENSEMBL A GTF file from ENSEMBL; the Gene Name and Gene ID fields will be added to the input VCF. (default: None) --output-vcf OUTPUT_VCF ...
Blank = not tested at that level. In the Big Y GD column, the genetic distance (GD) is displayed as 15/660 where 15 is the number of mismatches, or the cumulative genetic distance ABOVE the 111 panel, and 660 is the number of STR markers above 111 with results. The Big Y-500 test...
the sequences were concatenated in the order in which they appeared in the fasta file to form a closed pseudochromosome, and the "POS" column corresponds to the position in this pseudochromosome at which an indel was found.
Note that the tab-delimited columns are shifted between lines; thus, genotypes that appear to be in one column are not usually from the same sample. Per SNP, samples that are homozygous for the reference allele are marked with "0/0", samples homozygous for the first alternative allele are ...
Make sure to connect any computers or drives to the same network as the SNP-2. If they are not found by the SNP-2, follow the steps explained in Step 3: Manually Sharing Your Music Folders.***Windows does not allow file sharing on a PC within a DOMAIN. If your PC is in a DOMAIN...
Other two independent transfection experiments replicated the prominent stimulation of RP11-115D19.1 by YY1; however, they showed little changes of SNCA expression (data not shown). We analyzed allele-specific expression level of SNCA by using 30-UTR SNP rs356165 as a marker and found little ...
No significant differences were found in the number of variants called between Types. A lack of chemotypic diversity in our sample should temper any broad inferences based on intergroup comparisons; however, it is not shocking that cultivars with the most and the least variants were assigned to ...
No significant differences were found in the number of variants called between Types. A lack of chemotypic diversity in our sample should temper any broad inferences based on intergroup comparisons; however, it is not shocking that cultivars with the most and the least variants were assigned to ...
First column: cluster id second column: coordinates TBSP trajectories were presented in the form of uprooted phylogenetic tree structure. The coordinates for each node(cluster) are given by the above Trajectory.dat result. With the coordinates, users can able to compute the length for each of the...