it also performs a check on the previously executed queries. If it finds any matching query that already exists, then the results of it are cached. It then uses the cached result set instead of executing the query once again. As a result, the Snowflake can be...
extTableColumnAction ::= { ADD [ COLUMN ] [ IF NOT EXISTS ] AS ( <expr> ) | RENAME COLUMN TO <new_col_name> | DROP [ COLUMN ] [ IF EXISTS ] [, ... ] } constraintAction ::= { ADD outoflineConstraint | RENAME CONSTRAINT <constraint_name> TO <new_constraint_name> ...
CommandText = "drop table if exists T"; count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Assert.AreEqual(0, count); conn.Close(); } Bind Array Variables The sample code creates a table with a single integer column and then uses array binding to populate the table with values 0 to 70000. using (...
When using Snowflake change bundle2024_03(, dbt is issuing adrop table ...for dynamic tables which is resulting in someobject already existsdatabase error. When the the change bundle is disabled - there is no suchdrop...
If the Spool file doesn’t exist already, a new file will be created. If it exists, it will be overwritten by default. There is an append option from Oracle 10g which can be used to append to an existing file. Most of the time the data extraction logic will be executed in aShellscr...
s URL Create the Procedure. First we will create a DATABASE and a SCHEMA to store our monitoring procedure: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS APP_MONITORING; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS APP_MONITORING.PUBLIC; By default stored procedures don’t have access to the internet, we first need to ...
public.emqx MATCH_BY_COLUMN_NAME = CASE_INSENSITIVE; Create a new user and set the RSA public key for that user: sql CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS snowpipeuser PASSWORD = 'Snowpipeuser99' MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD = FALSE; ALTER USER snowpipeuser SET RSA_PUBLIC_KEY = ' <YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_CONTENTS...
Some connection options assume that the specified database object (database, schema, warehouse, or role) already exists in the system. If the specified object does not exist, a default is not set during connection. After connecting, all of the optional connection options can also be set or ...
You can combine the COPY INTO statement with a SELECT statement (using the $ sign to access individual columns as shown earlier). This can be useful when you want a different column order, leave out columns or if you want to apply some transformations such as checking for white space or ...
In our example, the grouping element is the ShipCountry column selected in the table expression. If we selected e.g ShipCity along with ShipCountry as the two columns that are not a spreading or an aggregate element, the result would be different. ;WITH tabExpr AS ( SELECT ord.Ship...