用hyperf/kafka组件会出现 RuntimeException: Partition 1 does not exists in /opt/www/vendor/longlang/phpkafka/src/Consumer/OffsetManager.php:195 用的是腾讯云的kafka 4178ac0eec6d:/opt/www# php -v & php --ri swoole & composer info | grep longlang/phpkafka & composer info | grep hyperf [...
In this SQL tutorial we’ll investigate if there are any differences between the EXISTS and the IN operator. This can either be logical, i.e. they behave different under certain circumstances, or performance-wise, meaning if using one operator has a performance benefit over the other. We’ll...
Supply a quoted schema name or edit it in the profiles.yml file Create a csv file and seed it twice Relevant log output No response Environment - OS: MacOS 14.6.1 - Python: 3.12.5 - dbt: 1.8.5 - dbt snowflake plugin: 1.8.3 Which database adapter are you using with dbt? snowflake...
SQL Snowflake's Pivot Functionality Eludes Me Python.exe ceases to function Missing Save Options in Visual Studio 2017: An Advanced Version Unavailable Techniques for Determining the Occurrence of Strings within a String Is it possible to utilize the FORCESEEK query hint when performing a distri...
(tableName).InSchema(TdmSchema).OnColumn(AccountId).Ascending(); } private void CreatePrimaryKeysClusteredAndAccountIndex(string tableName, List<string> primaryKeyColumns) { string joinedColumns = string.Join(",", primaryKeyColumns.Select(c => $"[{c}]").ToList()); Execute.Sql($"ALTER ...