sneezing是sneeze的现在分词 sneeze 美[sniz] 英[sniːz] n.打喷嚏;轻视 v.打喷嚏 网络打喷涕;打噴嚏;咳嗽 复数:sneezes现在分词:sneezing过去式:sneezed 同义词 v. sniffle,sniff,snuffle,splutter,snort 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 打喷嚏,喷嚏(声);轻视 ...
sneezing是什么意思 音标: 英 ['sni:zɪŋ] 美 ['sni:zɪŋ] [医] 喷嚏 n a symptom consisting of the involuntary expulsion of air from the nose v exhale spasmodically, as when an irritant entered one's nose sneezing的用法和例句:...
With all that dust about, he couldn't stopsneezing. 到处都是灰尘, 他不停地打着喷嚏. 辞典例句 These gases can also act as sensory irritants to produce tears orsneezing. 这些气体也可以起一种刺激物的作用,引起流泪或打喷嚏. 辞典例句
sneezing 级别 附加级 音标 [ 'sni:zɪŋ ] 解释 v.打喷嚏( sneeze的现在分词 ) 英英释义 发音 例句 1. I've been sneezing all morning. 我一上午直打喷嚏。 2. We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing. 我们都感冒了,一个劲地抽鼻子,打喷嚏。
sneeze /sniːz/ CET6+ TEM4 ( sneezing, sneezed, sneezes ) 1. V-I When you sneeze, you suddenly take in your breath and then blow it down your nose noisily without being able to stop yourself, for example, because you have a cold. 打喷嚏 例: What exactly happens when we sn...
[sniːz] [sniz] Similar words: sneezing | sneering | noun: Variant: sneezes 喷嚏(声) Cole often emits a loud sneeze.科尔常常大声打喷嚏。 intransitive verb: Variant: sneezed sneezed sneezing 打喷嚏 I caught a cold and sneezed a lot.我得了感冒,老是打喷嚏。Free...
sneezing substance 喷嚏性毒剂 sneezing gas poisoning 催嚏毒气中毒 相似单词 sneezing n. 1.[C]喷嚏(声) v.[I] 1.打喷嚏 最新单词 autonomics什么意思及同义词 n. 自动系统程序控制研究 autonomic什么意思及同义词 a. 自治的,自律的 autonavigator的中文意思 自动导航仪; 自动领航仪 autonarcosis的中...
[sniz] noun: Variant: sneezes 喷嚏(声) Cole often emits a loud sneeze.科尔常常大声打喷嚏。 intransitive verb: Variant: sneezed sneezed sneezing 打喷嚏 I caught a cold and sneezed a lot.我得了感冒,老是打喷嚏。 Free Collocation Download This site is supported by ...
n. 打喷嚏 v. 打喷嚏(sneeze的ing形式)记忆法 添加记忆法真题例句 1.Well, for me personally, with my allergy it just makes me start sneezing and my eyes start watering. (听力 Z托福-12) 嗯,就个人而言,我对这些花粉过敏,因为这些过敏会让我开始打喷嚏,然后眼睛流眼泪。 2.Well, for me ...