lasting anywhere between a few minutes to several days often caused by airborne irritants like smoke or acute upper respiratory tract infection like the common cold. If it persists and occurs frequently, either as bouts ofsneezingfits or intermittentsneezesthat occur ...
Cats are naturally curious, and sometimes their explorations lead to sneezing fits. Foreign objects like blades of grass or small toys can lodge in their nasal passages. This may result in your cat sneezing persistently or pawing at their nose. Some common culprits include: Blades of grass Smal...
It’s the height of the hay fever season so sneezing fits are only to be expected. I’ve been in this situation so many times before that I’ve lost count, but today I decided to play things a little differently. Instead of a sneezing fit interrupting the meditation, I made it a cen...
Allergies of Obstruction; Senate Is Having Sneezing Fits
They tried to keep up with the wacky dance moves, stumbling and twirling in fits of giggles. Soon, all the animals joined in, and the jungle turned into a hilarious dance party.From that day on, Eddie's sneezes became the highlight of every jungle gathering. Whenever he felt a sneeze ...
In 2008, ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeon Mahmood Bhutta published a case study in which he examined people who had uncontrollable sneezing fits whenever they were aroused. It's a rare condition, but Bhutta theorized that some people have crossed wires in their autonomic nervous system, ...
Despite the look of it, sneezing can feel pretty great. Not only does repeated sneezing give you a weird, spacey head rush, but it can also be quiterefreshing. Those sinuses get cleaned out a bit. The nose hairs get a brief, windy blow down. Plus, you fire whatever might be irritating...
In some western countries, it is believed that a person is in great danger of illness when he sneezes (打喷嚏). Therefore, people will express wishes when they hear others sneeze. The person who sneezed would apologize for that. Which situation fits western custom?
another variable star that has succumbed to its neighbor's infectious sneezing fits; this star is also sneezing, creating yet another Herbig-Haro object—HH 162. Bothstarsare very young and are still surrounded by dusty material left over from their formation, which spans the gap between the tw...
Meyer, John