This divide continued after passage of theVoting Rights Act of 1965, as some within the group began advocating for a Black-only political party in Mississippi and other more radical steps beyond nonviolent direct action. These includedStokely Carmichael, who became chairman of SNCC in 1966, replac...
By the time he was elected national chairman of SNCC in May 1966, Carmichael had largely lost faith in the theory of nonviolent resistance that he—and SNCC—had once held dear. As chairman, he turned SNCC in a sharply radical direction, making it clear that white members, once actively...
Vietnam War in the beginning of 1966 as a result of pressure from northern supporters and from members working on the southern projects. In one instance, the McComb, Mississippi project went as far as releasing its own antiwar pamphlet. Such events may have ...
“Black power” movement, a facet of late 20th-centuryBlack nationalism. The shift was personified byStokely Carmichael, who replacedJohn Lewisas SNCC chairman in 1966–67. While many early SNCC members were white, the newfoundemphasison African American identity led to greater racial separatism,...
Chairman Mao says that death comes to all of us, but it varies in its significance: to die for the reactionary is lighter than a feather; to die for the revolution is heavier than Mount Tai.” So wrote Huey P. Newto...
3月5日,全国人大代表雷军和周云杰同框亮相“代表通道”,受到网友关注。 Lei Jun, founder and CEO of Xiaomi, and Zhou Yunjie, chairman and CEO of Haier Group, who are both deputies to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), attended...
【中国政治宣传画:新的领导人(1976 - 1978)】设计者:上海人民出版社宣传画组 1976年9月 宣传语英译:Turn grief into strength, carry out Chairman Mao’s behests and carry the proletarian revolutionary cause through to the end 出版方:上海人民出版社 尺寸:...
Shandong Buchang Pharmaceuticals chairman Zhao Tao said his daughter's studies in the US are a personal matter and she didn't receive any funds from the company. As a listed company, Buchang's operations are independent and will not ...
1958年,毛泽东主席在南宁会议期间审定了柳钢的建设规划;同年7月,柳钢正式开工建设。图一记录的是柳钢80年代的转炉炼钢场景。 In 1958, Chairman Mao Zedong reviewed and approved the construction plan for Liuzhou Steel during the Nanning Conference. In July of that same...