然后点右上角“…”菜单,选择“设为星标” 编者按:HIV感染仍然是一个重大的全球公共卫生问题,在全球广泛持续传播,迄今已夺去4010万人的生命。尽管全球在HIV检测、抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)和确保有效的HIV病毒抑制方面取得了良好的进展,但晚期艾滋病仍然是...
The score may be used as a continuous variable, by adjusting FRAX probability or BMD T-score, and has been interpreted clinically with cut-off values at thirds of the distribution [13, 14]. In 2015, a review of the evidence for TBS in the assessment of osteoporosis was conducted by an ...
Logistic regression analyses were performed to determine sexual risk factors associated with HPV infection at the three anatomical sites. Results The median age of all 200 participants was 32 years (IQR 26-39.5), of which 31.0 % were black, 31.5 % mixed race/coloured and 35.5 % white. The ...
Overall, 72.5% of the individuals had an anal HPV infection, with 56.1% of them being infected by oncogenic HPV genotypes. Anal cytological abnormalities were found in 29.8% of the cases (16.7% ASC-US and 13.1% L-SIL). Presence of ASC-US+ was strongly associated with infection by any ...
Descriptions: The SN strategy was adapted for AA MSM and integrated into an existing testing program that included alternate venue testing (AVT) and standard counseling and referral services. In SN, HIV+ or high-risk negative persons are enlisted as recruiters to identify others in their social ...
This study aims to evaluate the prevalence and associated factors of UAI among HIV-infected MSM who had sex with seronegative or male partners with an unknown serostatus. Method A cross-sectional study nested in a cohort was conducted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The one hundred and fifty ...
We administered a total of 10 cc 5% dextrose solution around and inside the hyperpigmented skin lesion on the affected scapulae, subcutaneously and intradermally for treatment of neuropathic back pain. Back pain severity was evaluated with a visual analog scale (VAS). At 1 and 3-week follow-...
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