MicrostructureandpropertiesofSn-Ag-Cusolderanditsjoints underlowtemperature CHENHai-yan 1 ,ZHAOMin 1 ,JIEXiao-hua 1 ,GUOLi 2 (1.SchoolofMaterialsandEnergy,GuangdongUniversityofTechnology,Guangzhou510006,China; 2.GaoxinStannumIndustryCoLtd,Huizhou516123,China) Abstract:SnAg3.0Cu0.5solderanditsweldingjointwe...
Anderson I E;Cook B A;Harringa J L;.Sn-Ag-Cu solders and solder joints:Alloy Development,microstructure,and properties.JOM.2002.26-29Anderson I E,Cook B A,Harringa J,et al.Sn-Ag-Cu solders and solder joints: alloy development, microstructure, and properties.Journal of Electronic Materials....
theprospectsfordevelopmentofSn—Ag—Cusoldersystemsageproposed. Keywords:lead-freesolder;Sn-Ag-Cu;properties 传统锡铅焊料Sn63Pb37的共晶温度是183℃, 与目前印刷电路板的耐热性能接近,并因具有良好 的可焊性、导电性以及较低的价格等优点而得到广
mechanical properties ( nanoindentation tests) and interracia l reactions were tested.It can be c oncluded that the intermeta l lic s were uniformly distri buted in the solder matrix. Sn —A g—C u solder showed the typica l indentation behavior with signif i cant permanent deformation and...
关键词 :无铅焊料 ;Sn.Ag.Cu;性能 中图分类号:TG425.1 文献标识码 :A 文章编号:1001—3814(2010)01—0124-04 Investigation Progresson PropertiesofSn-Ag—Cu Lead FreeSolderPaste ZHANGShasha,ZHANGYijie,MANaiheng,WANGHaowei fStaleKeyLaboratoryofMMCs,Shanghai ∞TongUniversity,Shanghai200240,China) ...
天津大学硕士学位论文 石墨烯增强Sn-Ag-Cu复合无铅钎料 的设计与性能研究 Design and Property Study on a Sn-Ag-Cu Lead-free Solder Reinforced with Graphene 学科专业:材料加工工程 研 究 生:刘向东 指导教师:徐连勇副教授 天津大学材料科学与工程学院 2012年12月 ...
Solderability of Sn–9Zn–0.5Ag–1In lead-free solder on Cu substrate The thermal properties, microstructure corrosion and oxidation resistance of the Sn-9Zn-0.5Ag-1In lead-free solder have been investigated by differential s... Tao-Chih Chang,Jian-Wen Wang,Moo-Chin Wang,... - 《Journal ...
Effects of Sb addition on the properties of Sn-Ag-Cu / (Cu, Ni) solder systemsLead-free solderSAC187SAC194SbCalorimetryWettingSurfaces and interfacesMicrohardness•New experimental data on the wetting of SAC/(Cu,Ni) systems are obtained.•The liquidus temperatures of SAC187 and SAC194Sb ...
Effects of α-Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> nanoparticles-doped on microstructure and properties of Sn–0.3Ag–0.7Cu low-Ag solder 2018, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Harsh service environment effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Sn–Ag–Cu-1 wt%...
Tensile deformation behavior and melting property of nano-sized ZnO particles reinforced Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu lead-free solder In the present study, nano-sized ZnO particle-rein G M.,El-Shaarawy,A A.,... - 《Materials Science & Engineering A Structural Materials Properties Misrostructure & Processing...