GPOBox5420,Sydney,NSW2001,Australia ISBN0726280984 AS378619932 PREFACE ThisStandardwaspreparedbytheStandardsAustraliaCommitteeFP-002,AutomaticFire DetectionandAlarmSystemstosupersedeAS3786—1990,Self-containedsmokealarms. ThisStandardincorporatesAmendmentNo.1(April1995),AmendmentNo.2(December ...
The article reports that the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) has introduced mandatory smoke alarm legislation following a spate of deaths. NSW residents who fail to install smoke alarms in their homes coul...
According to present situation and unsaved problems of home fireproof alarm system, the intelligent fireproof alarm system based on public telephone net is... corporateName=National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre; address=PO Box 684, Randwick NSW 2031; address=University of New South Wales...