GPOBox5420,Sydney,NSW2001,Australia ISBN0726280984 AS378619932 PREFACE ThisStandardwaspreparedbytheStandardsAustraliaCommitteeFP-002,AutomaticFire DetectionandAlarmSystemstosupersedeAS3786—1990,Self-containedsmokealarms. ThisStandardincorporatesAmendmentNo.1(April1995),AmendmentNo.2(December ...
Discover SENSOR's cutting-edge smart IoT smoke alarms and water leak detectors designed to automate and simplify property compliance. Our scalable solutions enhance tenant safety and operational efficiency.
We provide a comprehensive range of smoke alarm services and integrated compliance solutions for residential properties. Whether you require installation, servicing, or upgrades for your smoke alarms, safety switches, or corded windows, 1300 Smoke Alarms has you covered. With over 12 years of experien...
Vendor disclosure and warranty revisited in the light of smoke alarmsCahill, TonyNSW Young Lawyers