Using the Smithing Table as a Toolsmith’s Job Block You can also use a smithing table to change a villager's job to a Toolsmith, which will open up more trading options with that said villager. They trade a variety of tools for emeralds and will additionally trade emeralds for certain ...
You can also use a smithing table to train a villager to become a toolsmith. Simply place it down near an untrained villager, and it will become a current job site block. After a few moments, you’ll see some green particles and your villager will become a toolsmith. Toolsmiths trade ...
4. Repeat the phase 2 and 3 till the possible created item from the hashtable is up. By this way, I can keep the items in the savefiles. Making the game to loose the upgrade path is good enough, but I avoided this because when my friend and I built this script, there will be ...