smithing_template_armor_trim_applies_to = 盔甲 smithing_template_armor_trim_ingredients = 锭和水晶 smithing_template_ingredients = 原料: smithing_template = 锻造模板 smithing_template_netherite_upgrade_applies_to = 钻石装备 smithing_template_netherite_upgrade_ingredients = 下界合金锭 snort_pottery_sherd ...
Toolsmith:Smithing Table Weaponsmith:Grindstone How to craft Minecraft Villager job blocks Minecraft job blocks can be crafted like any other item. Simply find the recipe for the related block and throw the ingredients into a crafting table to make it. It’s actually quite simple, and nothing ...
2.Smithing Template items are now named after their template type instead of the generic "Smithing Template" name 锻造模板物品现在以其模板类型命名,而不是通用的“锻造模板”名称 They instead specify that they are a Smithing Template through a subtitle in the hover text 它们通过在悬停文本中的副标题...
Tool Smith Smithing Table Unemployed N/A Weapon Smith GrindstoneMinecraft Villager Tips There are important notes to keep in mind when trading or breeding villages in Minecraft. One such example is that an “Unemployed Villager” has endless possibilities, meaning you’re able to transform it into...
Smithing Table修复了使用熔炉,高炉,烟熏炉,附魔台,砂轮,酿造台,铁砧,信标以及锻造台时,点击玩家物品栏旁边的深灰色区域会扔出物品的问题Players can now sign in with a QR code on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation consoles任天堂switch和PlayStation上的玩家可以用二维码登录了Featured Servers message text is no...
272 LoomUse = 273 AmbientInRaid = 274 UICartographyTableUse = 275 UIStonecutterUse = 276 UILoomUse = 277 SmokerUse = 278 BlastFurnaceUse = 279 SmithingTableUse = 280 Screech = 281 Sleep = 282 FurnaceUse = 283 MooshroomConvert = 284 MilkSuspiciously = 285 Celebrate = 286 Undefined = ...
454 villager_spawn_egg 480 vindicator_spawn_egg 106 vine 177 wall_banner 68 wall_sign 498 wandering_trader_spawn_egg 701 ward_armor_trim_smithing_template 648 warden_spawn_egg -261 warped_button 633 warped_door -267 warped_double_slab -257 warped_fence -259 warped_fence_ga...
[ "bed", "lectern", "composter", "grindstone", "blast_furnace", "smoker", "fletching_table", "cartography_table", "brewing_stand", "smithing_table", "cauldron", "barrel", "loom", "stonecutter" ] } ] } }, "adult": { "minecraft:behavior.make_love": { "priority": 5 }, "...
454 villager_spawn_egg 480 vindicator_spawn_egg 106 vine 177 wall_banner 68 wall_sign 498 wandering_trader_spawn_egg 701 ward_armor_trim_smithing_template 648 warden_spawn_egg -261 warped_button 633 warped_door -267 warped_double_slab -257 warped_fence -259 warped_fence_ga...
and even switch the wolf's face from playful to fierce, depending on the situation. inside, they'll find everything they need to get crafting, including a smithing table. two skeletons lurk in the nearby forest, one armed with an enchanted bow. young heroes will need to use their skills...