This paper presents a Smith chart-based methodology for designing a dual band real impedance matching network. The focus is to depict the dual band behavior using Smith chart, giving a better insight into analytical equations thus derived. To validate the design methodology, a dual band 3dB ...
1、为了对功率放大器电路进行输出匹配,继续创建”PA_MATCH”的原理图,将”PA_BIAS”中的电路图进行复制 2、从”Smith Chart Matching”元件面板中选择“DA_SmithChartMatch”控制器插入原理图中,如图所示。 3、对SmithChart参数进行设置进行设置 4、在原理图菜单栏“Tool”中选择“Smith Chart”,调出“Smith Chart ...
impedances and admittances. A sample matching network of the MAX2472 is designed at 900MHz using graphical methods. Tried and true, the Smith chart is still the basic tool for determining transmission‑line impedances. When dealing with the practical implementation of RF applications, there are...
Matching Network using ADS smith chart utility: 录入 点击:hi, i want to match Z-source and Z-load impedance at 2GHz which are present in the attached file, using ADS Smith chart utility. I am confused about the behavior of this utility. At 2 GHZ Z_load is 19.4+j*39.9 ...
The impedance matching network for Example 2 is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Impedance Matching Network for Example 2. Getting the exact values for the inductors and capacitors is not important. The idea of impedance matching is to understand how the components move you on the Smith Chart, ...
Walter Roberson2015년 11월 30일 0 링크 번역 I do not know about "for a matching network". Smith charts need only the RF Toolbox ...
Figure 6. Impedance zL exactly matched (z2=1). Recap The above technique can be used for any impedance on the interior of the Smith Chart. The result will be zero reflection at the matching network. To sum up the procedure:
smithplot(___,Name,Value)plots the impedance transformation from the source to load on aSmith Chartwith additional properties given by Name, Value pair. For instancesmithplot (MNOBJ, 'CircuitIndex',___, 'Z0', ___)plots the impedance transformation for the selected matching network circuit...
In this article, the ZY Meta-Smith chart (MSC) is applied to intuitively determine a forbidden region for all eight L-section matching networks associated with conjugately characteristic-impedance transmission lines (CCITLs) with nonnegative characteristic resistances (NNCRs), where a load impedance ...
Key words:RF power amplifying circuit;Smith chart;matching network;gain;MRF9060 chip 1 引言 随着通信和计算机技术的迅速发展,工作频率的日益增高,射频(RF)电路得到更加广泛的应用,高频电路的设计方法也得到不断的发展,这个领域的发展也被工业界给予更大程度的关注。新型半导体器件的不断诞生,使得高频模拟...