2、从”Smith Chart Matching”元件面板中选择“DA_SmithChartMatch”控制器插入原理图中,如图所示。 3、对SmithChart参数进行设置进行设置 4、在原理图菜单栏“Tool”中选择“Smith Chart”,调出“Smith Chart Unity”并设置参数。 5、根据第4步得到Smith Chart Utility 对输入输出阻抗进行设置 自动生成电路,选择最...
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ADS2008里边的smith chart matching 控件 我重新安装了两次都没有这个控件,不知道是什么原因。想向大家求助。多谢多谢 看看。 有没有破解的 版本太老了,建议用2019 申明:网友回复良莠不齐,仅供参考。如需专业帮助,请学习易迪拓培训专家讲授的ADS视频培训课程。
Update November 2021: log-in no longer required to use this web app! Use this handy Smith Chart web app to create matching networks. Easiest tool to use: drag elements right on the chart! Supports multiple frequencies, transmission line elements, etc. No
关键词: waveguide antennas WR90 waveguide design process evanescent open-ended waveguide antenna matching frequency 4.5 GHz frequency 6.56 GHz gain 3.71 dB imaginary Smith chart Admittance Apertures 会议名称: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP) ...
The Smith Chart In this tutorial, we will introduce and explainSmith Charts, and then given an introduction toimpedance matching. We will then use the Smith Chart to perform impedance matching withtransmission linesand lumped components (capacitors and inductors)....
Step 2 - Matching the Highband (1900 MHz) We now want to swing the highband point in Figure 4 into the center of the Smith Chart. Now, since this point (1900 MHz) is already roughly on the Re[z]=1 circle, you might be tempted to use a series capacitor. Unfortunately, that won'...
smith chart and impedance matchingHomework Help0Oct 23, 2017 SImpedance matching using a Smith ChartHomework Help0Apr 15, 2008 You May Also Like How Christmas Became Electrified: An Engineer’s Holiday Tale byLuke James Rethinking Computational Storage: Unlock the Processing Power of SSDs ...
This app allows you to design RF impedance matching networks using the ever popular medium of the Smith Chart. You can enter the conditions you are matching under, including frequency and starting/target impedance, then add inductors, capacitors, resistors and transmission line to build your matchin...