崇德立芯 启智慧芯 健体强芯 习美悦芯 力行育芯 全球融芯 品格第一 胸怀世界 追求卓越 快乐成长 13 建校年数 48316 占地面积 1 学龄段 1832 学生数量 0 中文部师生比 84691 图书馆藏书 22 生源来源国(全校) ...
中芯国际学校(SMIC Private School)是位于上海张江高科技园区的一所非营利性私立学校,由中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司创办于2001年。 SMIC Private School详细介绍 SMIC Private School的基本介绍 中芯国际学校(SMIC Private School),坐落于上海张江高科技园区,是由中芯国际集成电路制造...
SMIC是国际学校,全称为上海市民办中芯学校。 smic是什么学校 SMIC的全称及基本信息 SMIC国际学校,全称为上海市民办中芯学校(ShanghaiSMIC Private School International Division),是一所位于上海张江高科技园区的非营利性私立学校。学校由中芯国际集成电路制造(上海)有限公司投资兴办,旨在为...
SMIC Private SchoolsHome > Corporate Social Responsibility > Care for People > SMIC School Safeguarding of Rights and Interests Career Development Health SMIC Living Quarter SMIC School SMIC School SMIC invested in SMIC Private Schools in order to address the employees “family considerations” over ...
Early Childhood, Elementary, International Division, School Wide SMIC School: Achieving Excellence in AP Capstone! High School, International Division, School Wide View All SHANGHAI SMIC PRIVATE SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL DIVISION No. 169, Qing-Tong Road Pudong New Area,Shanghai, China 201203Tel: +86-21...
Beijing SMIC Private School provides an education centered around building character and developing the skills necessary for confidence and growth. We empower our students to become the leaders of tomorrow. Student Spotlight Elementary Spotlight
SMIC invested in SMIC Private Schools in order to address the employees “family considerations” over their children's education. The schools advocate the concept of "character first, independent study, physical and mental health, and global citizen” based on the advanced education idea. In the ...
您好!关于您询问的SMIC Private School(佳莲学校),以下是我为您整理的相关信息: 课程认证:佳莲学校是美国大学理事会的成员学校,并获得AP(Advanced Placement)课程认证。同时,学校还通过英国剑桥国际考评认证,提供剑桥国际A-Level和IGCSE课程。此外,学校还通过了香港考评局认证,开设了HKDSE课程。 教学特色:学校设有初中部...
beijing SMIC private school 所在地区 北京市大兴区 学校性质 民办学校 创立时间 2005年 开设阶段 幼儿园 小学 初中 高中 学校地址 北京经开区凉水河二街9号 学费区间 10~17万/年 课程体系 双语国际 学校简介 北京市中芯学校是中芯国际集成电路(北京)制造有限公司于2005年投资兴办的一所提供K-12一站式国际化...
Shanghai SMIC Private School-International Division Superintendent 向上滑动 Scroll up Good morning Class of 2023 graduates, parents, families, Dr. Zhao, Chancellor Zhuang, Dr. Hegde, students, families, and staff. Graduates, today, you’re now among 824 SMIC-I alumni. You have reached a milesto...