Create and grow your future fast, with smeft Result - Oriented You can beorientedtowards or away from all sorts of things, not only geographic ones. For example, if you like sports, you might be called sports-oriented. If politics is your thing, then you're politically oriented. For ...
We find that a future lepton collider significantly enhances this interplay and qualitatively improves global SMEFT fits.doi:10.1007/JHEP06(2021)010Bimann, StefanFakultät Physik, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyGrunwald, CorneliusFakultät Physik, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyHiller, Gudrun...
C (2024) 84:591 Regular Article - Theoretical Physics SMEFT chromomagnetic dipole operator contributions to t t¯ production at approximate NNLO in QCD Nikolaos Kidonakisa, Alberto Tonero Department of Physics, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw...
从风味可观察物中提取Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa(CKM)矩阵可能会受到标准模型(SM)以外的物理影响。 我们提供了一个总体路线图来考虑到这一点,并将其应用于标准模型有效场论(SMEFT)的情况。 我们选择一组确定四个Wolfenstein参数的四个输入可观察值,并讨论如何将六维运算符的影响包括在其定义中。 我们提供了CKM参数的...
This work is based on a bottom-up approach to the standard-model effective field theory (SMEFT), resulting in an equiprobable space of Wilson coefficients. The randomly generated Wilson coefficients of the SMEFT (in the Warsaw basis) are treated as pseudo-data and, for each observable, the...
Such extra matching contributions are difficult to characterize (other than by using the full SMEFT formalism) and only reinforce our main point on the non-minimal character of the SMEFT, so we do not focus on these contributions. The number of operators induced in matching is operator basis ...
我们考虑强子碰撞中大横向动量下胶子聚变产生希格斯玻色子。 我们介绍了相关的一环QCD振幅的解析表达式,包括完整的六维算子集的影响。 后者对应于顶部和底部Yukawa耦合的修改,对应于胶子的有效点状希格斯耦合以及顶部夸克的色磁算子。 还研究了色磁算子的定量影响。 我们的结果证实了以前的发现,即在高$$ p_T $$ pT...
The extraction of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix from flavour observables can be affected by physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). We provide a general roadmap to take this into account, which we apply to the case of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). We cho...
在EFT情绪聚焦疗法中,创始人Greenberg强调:与情绪工作,你必须先抵达,才能离开。 你只有先体验到情绪,接纳、理解这个情绪,这个情绪才能够得到转化——痛苦只有先被接纳,才能被转化。 案例 在进行EFT情绪聚焦疗法的个人体验的时候,我看见了自己内心的那个孤独...
We perform a sensitivity study and comment on the role of the A FB asymmetry for the electroweak SMEFT fit and precision Z-boson physics at the LHC and high-luminosity HL-LHC.European Physical Journal C -- Particles & Fieldsthe xFitter Developers' teamAbdolmaleki,...