Feynman rules are generated with the use of FeynRules package, directly in the physical (mass eigenstates) basis for all fields. The complete set of interaction vertices can be derived including all or any chosen subset of SMEFT operators. As an option, the user can also choose preferred ...
A. Dedes et al., Feynman rules for the Standard Model Effective Field Theory in Rξ -gauges, JHEP 06 (2017) 143 [arXiv:1704.03888] [INSPIRE]. Article ADS MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar A. Alloul et al., FeynRules 2.0 — A complete toolbox for tree-level phenomenology, Comput. Phys...
contribution to the relevant elec- troweak parameters, m Z , mW , G F , sin2 θW , αEW, (2.9) and depending on which input parameter scheme (IPS) one adopts, the expressions for {g1, g2, v}, and hence for the resulting SM Lagrangian and Feynman rules, will be differ- ent....
SmeftFR – Feynman rules generator for the Standard Model Effective Field Theorydoi:10.1016/J.CPC.2019.106931Athanasios DedesMichael ParaskevasJanusz RosiekKristaq SuxhoLampros TrifyllisNorth-Holland
We present needed Feynman rules up to O(1/Lambda(4)) and we numerically study the impact of various approximations to the O(1/Lambda(4)) expansion.Asteriadis, KonstantinBrookhaven Natl LabDawson, SallyFontes, DuartePhysical review, D
Selection of Feynman diagrams for leading-order production of three electroweak gauge bosons (W ±, Z, γ) at a hadron collider. Vertices marked in purple and blue receive SMEFT modifica- tions from two-fermion or bosonic operators, respectively. respectively. We will consider at most one ...
We must manually translate the output of the Hilbert series into a format that is useful for calculating Feynman rules, or for inputting into computational tools such as FeynRules [68–70]. In the case of the operator in eq. (1.4), we need to work out which fields the derivatives act ...
This was computed using both Feynman diagrams [38,84,85] as well as on-shell methods [86]. Its gluonic counterpart on the other hand does also enter the dipole operator RGE. 1-loop contributions to the dipole operators: angular momentum selection rules We can alleviate the problem of ...
Both of these effects can be analyzed with the J-basis operators prior to the derivation of Feynman rules and the calculation of amplitudes. Finally, we note that precise bounds on the Wilson coefficients of various operators require dedicated collider simulations. We anticipate that the semi...
and depending on which input parameter scheme (IPS) one adopts, the expressions for\(\lbrace g_1 , g_2 , v \rbrace \), and hence for the resulting SM Lagrangian and Feynman rules, will be different. The operators affecting these electroweak input parameters are closely connected with the ...