近日,德国马克斯普朗克生物物理研究所Eugene Kim研究组在Nature 上发表了文章The Smc5/6 complex is a DNA loop extruding motor,通过使用单分子成像技术发现Smc5/6作为动力装置挤出DNA环,而且Smc5/6是作为二聚体而非单体来发挥作用。与Cohesin与Condensin不同,关于SMC复合体蛋白Smc5/6在DNA环挤出的功能研究并...
SMC蛋白复合物(Structural maintenance of chromosomes complex)是一类高度保守的具有ATP酶活性的多亚基复合物,对染色体的结构维持、DNA复制以及转录调控等均具有重要的作用。在真核生物中,主要有三类SMC蛋白复合物:黏连蛋白(cohesin)、凝缩蛋白(condensin)以及SMC5/6复合物。目前,人们对于前两种复合物的结构和功能有较为...
Whereas cohesin and condensin organize chromosomes by extrusion of DNA loops, the molecular functions of the third eukaryotic SMC complex, Smc5/6, remain largely unknown2. Using single-molecule imaging, we show that Smc5/6 forms DNA loops by extrusion. Upon ATP hydrolysis, Smc5/6 reels DNA ...
Björkegren教授说,“我们研究的下一步是找出Smc5/6复合物产生DNA环的能力如何影响其在细胞中的功能,这可以增加我们对Smc5/6如何作为病毒阻断剂、预防癌症和促进胎儿发育的理解。”(生物谷 Bioon.com) 参考资料: Biswajit Pradhan et al. The Smc5/6 complex is a DNA loop extruding motor. Nature, 2023, ...
(2006) The Smc5-Smc6 DNA repair complex. bridging of the Smc5-Smc6 heads by the KLEISIN, Nse4, and non-Kleisin subunits. J. Biol. Chem., 281, 36952-36959.Palecek J, Vidot S, Feng M, Doherty AJ, Lehmann AR (2006) The Smc5- Smc6 DNA repair complex. bridging of the Smc5-...
他们还发现,减少HBV转录本从而降低HBx,同时用药物抑制HBV的二次感染,可恢复SMC5/6的含量与功能,进而实现并维持体内cccDNA转录沉默。他们将成果以Therapeutic shutdown of HBV transcripts promotesreappearance of the SMC5/6 complex and ...
Chavez, A., George, V., Agrawal, V., and Johnson, F. B. (2010) Sumoylation and the structural maintenance of chromosomes (Smc) 5/6 complex slow senescence through recombination intermediate resolution. J. Biol. Chem. 285, 11922-11930...
Here, we show that the Smc5-Smc6 complex is recruited to DSBs de novo to support their repair by homologous recombination between sister chromatids. In addition, we demonstrate that Smc5-Smc6 is necessary to suppress gross chromosomal rearrangements. Our findings show that the Smc5-Smc6 ...
The structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) proteins constitute the cores of three protein complexes involved in chromosome metabolism; cohesin, condensin and the Smc5-Smc6 complex. While the roles of cohesin and condensin in sister chromatid cohesion and chromosome condensation respectively have bee...
克隆类型rabbit polyclonal抗原SMC5 编 号包装库存目录价(¥)您的价格(¥)数量 D162275-002525 ul现货500500 D162275-0100100 ul现货16001600 D162275-0200200 ul现货25002500 产品描述 概述 Core component of the SMC5-SMC6 complex, a complex involved in repair of DNA double-strand breaks by homologous re...