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Our investigation of the interactomes of PARP-1, PARP-2, and PARG by affinity-purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS) aimed, on the one hand, to confirm current knowledge on these interactomes and, on the other hand, to discover new protein partners which could offer insights into PARPs and...
Mass 24/25-2 DNV 产品编号: 40720266产品详情: 安装了Mass系列充电器,您的电池组即可得到安全、快速、充分的充电,所以不论陆用、车载还是船用,您都只需短时的电力补给。 Mass系列充电器是为电池容量更大、更专业的系统而设计的,其应用的技术包含高频电子系统,省去了笨重且有噪音的变压器。卓越的冷却设计,即使...
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2MASS/SDSS Close Major-Merger Galaxy Pairs: Luminosity Functions and Merger Mass Dependence 来自 arXiv.org 喜欢 0 阅读量: 37 作者:DL Domingue,CK Xu,TH Jarrett,Y Cheng 摘要: We select a close "major-merger candidate" galaxy pair sample in order to calculate the K_{s} luminosity function...
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2MASS/SDSS Close Major-Merger Galaxy Pairs: Luminosity Functions and Merger Mass Dependence We select a close "major-merger candidate" galaxy pair sample in order to calculate the K_{s} luminosity function (LF) and pair fraction representative of ... DL Domingue,CK Xu,TH Jarrett,... - ...
Peptide isolation is easily accomplished using the Waters AutoPurification System configured with the SQ Detector 2, thus making it a viable alternative for purification of those peptides with molecular weights and charge state masses which fall within the 2–3072 Da m...