SmartSense is on your next Hyundai. Use the filter to see which models have the SmartSense features you’re looking for. *When you select features using the filter, any additional features that are not compatible will be deactivated. Filter by Safety Feature SUVs 2025 VENUE Urban ...
Using cameras, sonar and radars, SmartSense features are like an extra set of eyes when you drive or park. Making your drive safer. Safety that always looks ahead, makes sure you’re not drifting, and checks your blind spot – even shows it to you onscreen. Several SmartSense features...
SmartSense 是一种基于智能传感技术的综合解决方案,主要应用于教育、物联网、工业等领域,通过数据采集与分析优化流程效率。其核心在于利用传感器、AI算法和网络通信技术实现智能化感知与决策支持。以下从技术特点、应用场景、教育领域价值三个维度展开说明。 一、技术架构与核心功能 SmartSense 系统通常...
SmartSense by Digi provides condition monitoring and location tracking solutions for product safety and compliance in the healthcare, retail, food service, education, and supply chain transportation industries.
首先就是智驾系统,新车搭载了Hyundai SmartSense“智心合一”安全系统,提供同级最多27项ADAS功能。硬件方面有5个摄像头、12个超声波雷达、3个毫米波雷达,可达到L2+级自动驾驶水准。而且最为重要的是,新车具备高速领航功能,是15万元级别的紧凑型合资SUV中的独一份。
Visibility, awareness and confidence built in. With SmartSense’s intelligent systems of lights and rear-facing radar, it’s never been easier to ride smart.
必应词典为您提供smartsense的释义,网络释义: 红外感应器;智能感应;分析天平红外感应器;
#这车买的值 真正意义上的安全,是为您每处细节的体现,第五代途胜LSmartSense智心合一安全系统,全方位读懂你要的安全感@抖音小助手 #dou是好车 #是时候买辆车了 #北京现代 - 昭通市和熠汽车服务有限责任公司于20221012发布在抖音,已经收获了1.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美
全新途胜L搭载的Hyundai Smartsense“智心合一”安全系统更是一绝,其包含了多达27项的ADAS功能,其中的PDW-S侧方泊车距离警告、PCA-R后方泊车防碰撞辅助、ISLW智能限速预警、ISLA智能限速辅助、RSPA远程智能泊车辅助这五大功能更是有着超越同级纯电产品的硬核技术。