SmartSense by Digi provides condition monitoring and location tracking solutions for product safety and compliance in the healthcare, retail, food service, education, and supply chain transportation industries.
SmartSense by Digi provides condition monitoring and location tracking solutions for product safety and compliance in the healthcare, retail, food service, education, and supply chain transportation industries.
SmartSense by Digi Deploy remote monitoring solutions that provide actionable insights and alerts to protect your business. From commercial kitchens to hospitals, restaurants, and fleets, SmartSense solutions supports your monitoring and compliance requirements. ...
2023年11月14日,波士顿- Digi国际公司(纳斯达克股票代码:DGII,旗下全球领先的物联网(IoT)连接解决方案提供商SmartSense by Digi®最近在奥兰多环球度假区硬石酒店成功举办了LIVE23用户大会。第二届年度会议的与会人数同比增长了 300%,来自食品服务、制药和医疗保健领域的产品安全专家汇聚一堂,开展了为...
波士顿--2022年8月18日--Digi国际公司(纳斯达克股票代码:DGII,旗下全球领先的物联网(IoT)连接解决方案提供商SmartSense by Digi®今天成立了一个新的医疗保健咨询委员会,以帮助医疗保健机构降低运营风险、简化标准操作程序和合规性。该委员会旨在就IoT 医疗保健解决方案的日益复杂性对客户进行授权、...
SmartSense by Digi 是 Digi International的一部分——全球领先的物联网 (IoT) 连接解决方案提供商——今天宣布扩展其关键控制随着 SmartSense B2 传感器的推出,点传感和监控解决方案。B2 Sensor 是其先进的主动可见性解决方案的新成员,是对广受欢迎的 B Sensor 的有力补充,可在单个设备中实现更强大的远程温度和湿...
The SmartSense by Digi mobile application is an enterprise-grade temperature monitoring, food safety, and quality management platform. The App is primarily use…
Allow searching for gateways by device ID. App 隐私 开发者“Digi Smartsense, LLC”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。 与你关联的数据 开发者可能会收集以下数据,且数据与你的身份关联:
SmartSense is part of more of the solutions business unit within Digi. We are very, very vertically-focused, application-focused, whereas the rest of Digi is more of horizontal technology. So yes, SmartSense is a business unit within Digi. SmartSense was actua...
SmartSense by Digi provides condition monitoring and location tracking solutions for product safety and compliance in the healthcare, retail, food service, education, and supply chain transportation industries.