If you’ve ever seen the “Could not complete your request because the smart object is not directly editable” error in Photoshop, this is how to fix it. Usually, this message comes up when you’re trying to edit a smart object that’s locked. First, open the Layers panel and verify ...
We see the Photoshop error "smart object is not directly editable" and how to fix it to be able to edit the layer.
Fixed an issue in the Scheduler when a custom time zone is used in the TimelineWeek view. Fixed an issue in the Grid with the subtasks editor. Fixed an issue in the React components about changing props with object or array type. Fixed an issue in the Grid about sanitizing row comments...
Is RAW image not editable by smart object? A RAW Smart Object is a Smart Object, just like a Vector Smart Object is a Smart Object even though one cannot edit it directly in Photoshop. Please post a screenshot of the image you placed in Bridge. Votes Upvote Translate...
protected com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject create() Overrides: create in class Canvas getAddTabButton public ImgButton getAddTabButton() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException Appears when canAddTabs is enabled. This component is an AutoChild named "addTabButton". For an overview of ...
This method takes a single parameter tab, a pointer to the tab object. Parameters: icon - icon Default value is null See Also: Orientation Example setIcon public void setIcon(java.lang.String icon, int iconWidth, int iconHeight) If specified, this tab will show an icon next to the tab ...
“Granting Access to the New SmartList Object” – generally you will want to add each new SmartList to the appropriate Task IDs. He makes one Task with access to all SmartLists, but this may work for you, too! For GP 2010, You will find additional items to check (not shown on thes...
If the proxy option is not flexible enough for you, you can specify an object in the following form (in package.json). You may also specify any configuration value http-proxy-middleware or http-proxy supports. { // ... "proxy": { "/api": { "target": "<url>", "ws": true //...
And instantly, the original image in the smart object is replaced with thenew image. The only problem is that the new image is too big to fit in the frame, so we'll fix that next: The previous image has been replaced with the new image. Photo credit: Adobe Stock. ...