Photoshop smart objects are layers that preserve the original image data. Because of this, they allow you to perform non-destructive editing. Any filters that you apply to a smart object become a smart filter. This means you can open and adjust it anytime – even if you’ve closed Photosho...
Now that we've placed the image into the frame as a smart object, let's learn how to edit the smart object's contents. Think of a smart object as a Photoshop documentwithinyour Photoshop document. And pretty much anything that we can do in the main document, we can do in a smart o...
we now see asmart object iconin the lower right of the layer's preview thumbnail. This is how Photoshop tells us that the layer is now a smart object. I've enlarged it here to make the icon easier to see:
First create a duplicate layer (Ctrl/Cmd J or, in the main menu, Layer > Duplicate Layer). Then create a Smart Object, which gives you a way to make non-destructive and editable changes to your image. With the duplicate layer on top and selected, choose Layer > Smart Object > Convert...
To change which editor starts by default for editing, click theMake Primarybutton. Apply behaviors to images You can apply any available behavior to an image or an image hotspot. When you apply a behavior to a hotspot, Dreamweaver inserts the HTML source code into theareatag. Three behaviors...
2. How to Reduce the GIF Image File Size Learning how to make a GIF smaller is pretty easy. You can reduce the GIF size either by going to Image > Image Size or by hitting Alt-Control-I. Your video layer will have to be turned into a Smart Object if you reduce the GIF size, bu...
Apply a fill color to an object Transform an object’s patterns Have a question or an idea? If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate inAdobe Illustrator Community. We would love to hear from you and see your creations. ...
Today, I’ll show you how to make a Venn diagram in PowerPoint.We’ll explore your options, from using PowerPoint’s SmartArt tool to creating one from scratch.I’ve also added a cool option in the end to give your Venn diagrams a professional look. ...
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How do I make a 'editable' (change size/color) layer that is a signature I can put on my photos? Ken Nielsen Advisor , Apr 08, 2019 Copy link to clipboard I have just been using a layer with my name in type to put on m...