Wenn die Spannung des PV-Strings weniger als 1 V ist, messen Sie den 在组串电压 < 1 V 的前提下,测量组串电阻。确保组串电阻 Widerstand des PV-Strings und stellen Sie sicher, dass (R1 + R2)/2 kΩ (R1 + R2)/2 kΩ ≈ N x 1 kΩ,例如组串中优化器为16个, ≈ N x 1 kΩ. ...
This review presents a set of recommendations for applying proxemics in game-mediated interactions and; discusses its role in enabling informational literacy to foster smart learning ecosystems.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-61322-2_22Liliana Vale CostaAna Isabel Velososcar Mealha...
Wenn die Spannung des PV-Strings weniger als 1 V ist, messen Sie den 在组串电压 < 1 V 的前提下,测量组串电阻。确保组串电阻 Widerstand des PV-Strings und stellen Sie sicher, dass (R1 + R2)/2 kΩ (R1 + R2)/2 kΩ ≈ N x 1 kΩ,例如组串中优化器为16个, ≈ N x 1 kΩ. ...
Alegretti, Ana PaulaHospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre/RS (HCPA)Bertoni, Ana PaulaUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - Unisinosde Oliveira Ramos, GabrielUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - Unisinosde Mello, Blanda HelenaUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UnisinosVanin, Fausto...
Carlos Henrique Rodrigues de OliveiraRodolfo de Sousa CostaAna Paula Ferreira CostaVitor Fonseca ThomazIgor Amorim SilvaInternational conference on wireless networks
The proposed algorithm can then be used to quickly assign a number of emergency vehicles in the first moments of an emergency, which can potentially save lives and improve existing crisis management applications in smart cities.Daniel G. CostaFrancisco VasquesAna AguiarPaulo Portugal会议论文...
LexMart: A smart tool for lexicographersAlberto Manuel Brando SimesAna SalgadoRute CostaJosé AlmeidaLexical Computing CZElectronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference. 1-3 October 2019, Sintra, Portugal, 2019, págs. 453-466...
Costa, BrunoCeDRI, Instituto Politécnico de BragançaLopes, Rui PedroCeDRI, SusTEC, Instituto Politécnico de BragançaPereira, Ana I.CeDRI, SusTEC, Instituto Politécnico de BragançaSpringer, ChamInternational Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering...
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-61322-2_22Costa, Liliana ValeUniversity of AveiroVeloso, Ana IsabelUniversity of AveiroMealha, scarUniversity of Aveiro
doi:10.1007/s11227-019-02941-3Carlos Henrique Rodrigues de OliveiraAna Paula Ferreira CostaVitor Fonseca ThomazIgor Amorim SilvaThe Journal of Supercomputing