Uzstādīšana un ekspluatācija• Lai nodrošinātu to, ka ierīce darbojas ilgi un uzticami, iesakām jums reizi pusgadā veikt tālāk minētās darbības. 1. Pārbaudīt, vai ierīce nav bojāta vai deformēta. 2. Pieslēgties ierīcei, izmantojot lietotni, un pārbaudīt...
Alegretti, Ana PaulaHospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre/RS (HCPA)Bertoni, Ana PaulaUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - Unisinosde Oliveira Ramos, GabrielUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - Unisinosde Mello, Blanda HelenaUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UnisinosVanin, Fausto...
This was not a fault of the hotel but the architect or designer (a large person would not be able to fit in the space). The bedside shelves were almost useless because they were far too low and far too small. One reading light alongside the bed did not work but this was fixed ...
The response of [ppy2IrNH] þ PF6À towards an electrical stimulus has been ana- lysed via electrochromic phosphorescence experiments, because the phosphorescence properties of [ppy2IrNH] þ A À are strongly related to the electronic effect of the N-H moiety. As illustrated in Fig. ...
“human-centric” designs to fit their lifestyles [76,99]. The affordability of smart technology is one of the considerations in the coping process, for example, the smart solution would be better accepted if the cost was not higher or not more expensive than the conventional care model [76...
Vehicles must fit within a box of dimensions 5 meters in length X 1.8 meters in width X 1.6 meters in height. (Solar arrays can have an area of no more than 6 square meters.) The event is conducted between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm daily. Teams camp in the desert whereve...
Uzstādīšana un ekspluatācija• Lai nodrošinātu to, ka ierīce darbojas ilgi un uzticami, iesakām jums reizi pusgadā veikt tālāk minētās darbības. 1. Pārbaudīt, vai ierīce nav bojāta vai deformēta. 2. Pieslēgties ierīcei, izmantojot lietotni, un pārbaudīt...
Costa, E.M.; Oliveira, Á.D. Humane smart cities. In The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2017; pp. 228–240. 11. Barker, K.; Ramirez-Marquez, J.E. Infrastructure Network Resilience; EPFL International Risk Governance Center: Lausanne, ...
turbine power and —Efficiency of the generator and mechanical twrwahnhesermerePisP—si—ownwinoidnf dtthuetrubwribniniendpeotupwrobewrineaern.danηdGη M E ffi—ciEenffcicyieonfctyheogfetnheeragteonrearnadtomr eacnhdanmiceaclhtarnanicsa-l mtriasnsisomniossfitohneowf itnhde twuirnbdinteu.r...
Carlos Henrique Rodrigues de OliveiraRodolfo de Sousa CostaAna Paula Ferreira CostaVitor Fonseca ThomazIgor Amorim SilvaInternational conference on wireless networks