1. unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech e.g. buttery praise gave him a fulsome introduction an oily sycophantic press agent oleaginous hypocrisy smarmy self-importance the unctuous Uriah Heep soapy compliments Synonym: butteryfulsomeoilyoleaginoussoapyunctuous...
too polite in a way that is not sincere synonym smooth a smarmy salesman Join us Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press!See smarmy in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Check pronunciation: smarmy...
What is the synonym of smug? synonyms for smug complacent. egotistical. pompous. self-righteous. self-satisfied. conceited. egoistic. holier-than-thou. What does a MEWL sound like? Asoft cryor whimper; an act of mewling. To cry weakly, like a baby; whimper or whine. To cry weakly with...