A smug person is self-satisfied. You can usually recognize someone who is pleased with himself by his smug little smile and self-righteous remarks. Smug is the opposite of modest and unsure. In cartoons, the smug character often walks around with his chest puffed out and his ego leading the...
Interactive stats: R Related words Usage Vulgarity SlangMap Related words Slang terms with the same meaning None found. Slang terms with the same root words None. How about some random words? How common is this slang? I use it(7)
關於Smarmy的意思和用法的提問 單詞和短語的意思 用法和例句 包含"Smarmy"的句子的意思 Q: smarmy是什麼意思 A: slang word.. meaning... (to me anyway): kinda gross person, un-trustworthy, under-handed. A person who might ACT LIKE they mean well, but they don't. A very negative term ...
What is a git slang? British. :a foolish or worthless person. What does Schwarmy mean? Adjective. swarmy (comparative swarmier, superlative swarmiest)Of bees: inclined to swarm. quotations ▼ Swarming with people or activity; teeming. Is being obsequious a good thing? overly obedient or att...