Chihuahua Puppies Need to be Taught How to be GroomedGrooming a short coated or smooth coated Chi is easy. A good brushing once or twice a week, a bath every few weeks and the usual toe nail clipping and dental care should be all that is necessary to keep your dog looking good. Even...
All of theartworkfeatured on this site is my own creation. All of the information you'll find on this site is free... and guess what, the shipping is, too! This is me with my rescue dog, Joy, a mini Australian Shepherd. Joy knows the importance of being well trained... Well, mos...
so long as your dog understands it is your couch, not his. You need to make your dog wait until you invite him to climb into your lap. When a dog makes it a habit of jumping up on a human at his own free will, we humans see it as love and affection....
Ask me about adding "Welcome Fall" or "Happy Thanksgiving" FREE! Rescue dogs are better, all one word, @gmail dot com! $19.99 Fall Bulldog Garden Flag Bring a smile to your guests and add color and texture to your garden with this fun and decorative seasonal garden flag! This cute bu...
Chenak, my former Siberian & dog who loved puppies and small kids, once to our horror grabbed a Yorkshire terrier puppy. Because he was leashed and sitting next to my hubby, we were able to rescue the pup. But it was really a “grab the little brown squeaky rabbit resembling thingy”,...
Pound Puppies Pound Puppies were the perfect compromise between children begging for a family dog and parents that didn’t want to pick up after a dog. They came in a cardboard rescue crate for “adoption” with adorable eyes and big floppy ears for $30 (an additional $3.50 for name tag...