Hunting dogs rescued from hunters Animal Advocates has rescued many hunting dogs from the lonely lives many endure in dirty backyard pens. It's common for the dogs to be taken out for only the few weeks they are used to help the hunter hunt and kill, and sometimes for a bit of training...
California's Electric Revolution The Four High Stakes: Sports Betting in California Made in the Bay Powerless In Prison Sports Focus Talk of the Town This Is Me: Transgender Journeys Unleashed Force: Power and Police Dogs Voices For Change West Coast Wrap Zip Trips Brand Spotlight ...
The persons say that these will be the toughest months to get thru. We have uncertainty about the papers we are waiting for. And we have a lot of cold to prep for still. I know that if we don’t keep warm, choices for our good are harder to make. And we have to get this taken...
Officer Christian Galeano found the eight puppies in a makeshift den near the construction site of a bridge at Northwest 138th Street and Okeechobee Road. "Discovered two of the puppies in a drain meter. Basically, in a two foot hole. Other six puppies were down here between some of this ...
Many people on the Facebook page thanked the officer for helping the bird. I mean, what would have happened had he not stepped in? Other comments said that the ACO should go after unleashed dogs. I don't know the laws about that, but I imagine that they do enforce the law when they...
Old Dog Haven pulls senior dogs from shelters and takes care of any urgent medical needs, then places the dogs in permanent foster homes and continues to cover all veterinary costs for the rest of the dogs’ lives. In such situations, people who open their homes to these foster dogs never...
14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. True and False Prophets 15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people ...
Elsa:You don’t want to know. Just know it’s not good. When it’s as windy as it has been, there’s no accounting for how people and dogs act. Wilson:Umm, I don’t know. I just can’t help myself. It’s gotta be the wind…I mean, what else can it be?
The U.S. Coast Guard, San Francisco police, Fire Department rescued a boat, with people and dogs onboard, after it was crashed into rocks near Alcatraz Island. SFFD says they received the rescue call just before 10:00 a.m. Officials say the boat was "hard up on the rocks" on th...