SMAN 6 Kabuapten Tebo is a school that specializes in secondary education. Data processing is still done manually by the analysis, causing problems that may require considerable time and frequent errors and calculation values result in slow information to parties - those in need. The purpose of ...
The aim of this study was to examine differences in the intentions of watching pornography on SMA Negeri 6 Semarang students between students who become members of Rohis with the non-member of Rohis. Intension of watching pornography is defined as the tendency of individuals to take action for ...
The Use of Audio Visual Media In Improving The Quality Of PAI Learning In SMA Negeri City Of Bandungdoi:10.46799/JSS.V2I4.181Neneng MaemunahIim WaslimanDeti RostiniSayid Muhammad Rifky Naufal
KUALITAS HIDUP REMAJA SMA NEGERI 6 MANADO YANG MENGALAMI MALOKLUSI Quality of life is an individual the opportunity to be able to live comfortably, maintain a healthy physiological state that is consistent with a healthy psychological and social balance in everyday life. The existence of physical ...
1) the application of peer- correction technique in improving the learning quality of writing description text learning; and 2) the application of peer-correction technique in improving the students' writing competence in writing description text for XI IPS-1 students of SMA Negeri I Ngemplak Kabu...