The Use of Audio Visual Media In Improving The Quality Of PAI Learning In SMA Negeri City Of Bandungdoi:10.46799/JSS.V2I4.181Neneng MaemunahIim WaslimanDeti RostiniSayid Muhammad Rifky Naufal
Pengaruh Layanan Informasi Tentang Wawasan Karir terhadap Aspirasi Karir Siswa Kelas X Bb dan Dkv Smk Negeri 4pekanbaru T.p 2014/2015 Aspiration is the hope for the success of a person in realizing the desired career destination. But at the moment many students who could not think of a dir...
The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes by using a model of learning based on problems in the sub-class subject matter in the ecosystem of SMA Negeri 1 X 5 Kisaran TP 2011/2012.The research method is a class action research and research subjec...
1) the application of peer- correction technique in improving the learning quality of writing description text learning; and 2) the application of peer-correction technique in improving the students' writing competence in writing description text for XI IPS-1 students of SMA Negeri I Ngemplak Kabu...