2.选择user ID (如,NAKAYAMAG)双击查看这个用户登录系统的情况 2.检查打印机 ·1. transactionSP01或System->Services->Output controller ·2.清除User name项. ·3.把时间设置到一周前. ·4.清除Client项. 工作进程 TransactionSM50或Tools->Administration->Monitor->System monitoring->Process overview). 需要...
2.选择user ID (如,NAKAYAMAG)双击查看这个用户登录系统的情况 2.检查打印机 ·1. transactionSP01或System->Services->Output controller ·2.清除User name项. ·3.把时间设置到一周前. ·4.清除Client项. 工作进程 TransactionSM50或Tools->Administration->Monitor->System monitoring->Process overview). 需要...
2.选择user ID (如,NAKAYAMAG)双击查看这个用户登录系统的情况 2.检查打印机 ·1. transactionSP01或System->Services->Output controller ·2.清除User name项. ·3.把时间设置到一周前. ·4.清除Client项. 工作进程 TransactionSM50或Tools->Administration->Monitor->System monitoring->Process overview). 需要...
The best people to answer this question would the basis folks in your team...this is an activity that needs to be done very cautiosly... Thanks, Renjith Former Member 2007 May 14 1 Kudo Hi I have tried the option 1. Using Cancel without core in SM50 2. Tried to kill the ...