由于工作的需要,最近在研究业务系统数据并发控制问题,曾经写过abap程序,记得sap里有个锁对象,可以对表记录进行锁定操作,于是进行了相关了解,并在此基础上设计了基于MC的锁机制(有时间再献上基于MC的锁机制,供大家批判)。如果觉得下文所述,似曾相识,说明大家对sap所对象的理解已经超越我。 sap为了同步同时多个用户操作...
In a system when ever a user performs any update on any table for that period of time a lock on that particular field of that table is created so that no other user can update that table as user one is doing update on that table. And Suppose during the update user session get termina...