经过大概三个月的沉寂之后,《狡狐大冒险4:岁月神偷(Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time)》终于再次和玩家们见面,公布了最新一批游戏截图。 此次新作由Sanzaru Games开发,而不是该系列前3部作品PS2的开发商Sucker Punch Productions。此次的主角Sly 能够进行时空穿越,见到他很多的祖先。 《狡狐大冒险4》预计在今年秋天放出,...
Sony Computer En今日在科隆游戏展上公布了《狡狐大冒险4 Sly Cooper》的最新游戏截图,该作将于明年将正式登陆PS3平台。 游戏截图:
Vivez l’expérience Sly Cooper™ and the Thievius Raccoonus lancée à l’origine sur la console PlayStation®2, amélioré par des fonctions de rendu, de retour arrière, de sauvegarde rapide et de filtres vidéo personnalisés.Il y a un nouveau voleur en ville! Projecteurs, alarmes et...
Jogue Sly Cooper™ and the Thievius Raccoonus, originalmente lançado para o console PlayStation®2, aprimorado com nova renderização, opção de retroceder, salvamento rápido e filtros de vídeo personalizados.Há um novo ladrão na cidade! Holofotes, alarmes e lasers infravermelho...
《狡狐大冒险4:岁月神偷(Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time)》正式跳票到2013年,同时公布了最新的游戏演示。 此次新作由Sanzaru Games开发,而不是该系列前3部作品PS2的开发商Sucker Punch Productions。此次的主角Sly 能够进行时空穿越,见到他很多的祖先。 在预告中,我们的狡狐神偷Sly Cooper先生坦言,他是“团队中的一员...
狡狐大冒险 4:岁月神偷Sly 4 / Sly 4 / Sly Cooper: Chasing Time / Sly Cooper: Jagd durch die Zeit / Sly Cooper: Ladri nel Tempo / Sly Cooper: Voleurs à travers le temps / Sly Cooper: Złodzieje w czasie / Sly Cooper: ПрыжокВоВремениSly Cooper: Thieves in Time...
Sly Cooper® and the whole gang return with an epic brand new adventure for the PlayStation®3 system. The pages of the Thieves Raccoonus are disappearing and Bentley, now keeper of the ancient master Thieves book, must round up the gang and save the Cooper Clan legacy from being destroy...
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time: Directed by Roque Ballesteros, Chris Borders, Jenny Huang, Grady Hunt, Alan Lau, Brad Rau, Bill Spence, Sean Kelly, Satoshi Komuro, Michael L. Mumbauer. With Kevin Miller, Matt Olsen, Chris Murphy, Grey Griffin. As the pages
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time 狡狐大冒险:岁月神偷的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Sly: Anybody you call "master" must be a heck of a guy.Murray: Oh he's awesome! He'll get inside your head and freak you out six ways from Sunday!Sly: Uh, awesome. ― About the Guru[src] The Guru of the Stone,[1] known colloquially among the Cooper Gang